There are few things worse than tooth pain, especially the kind that is extreme and that doesn’t go away after a few days. If you’re experiencing unusually severe tooth pain, swelling around your tooth, and gum tenderness, then you may require a root canal. A root canal, also known as endodontic treatment, is one of the best procedures to undergo in order to remedy a tooth whose roots and pulp are infected or destroyed. If you’re considering endodontic treatment, then below are a few signs that the treatment option is necessary in order to improve your dental health.
What is Endodontic Treatment?
Endodontic treatment, also known as a root canal, is either one treatment or a series of treatment therapies that repairs an infected or damaged tooth. The repair takes place by clearing out the pulp of the tooth and clearing away any abscess that occurred by the roots of the tooth. Once the endodontic treatment is complete, you should not feel any pain and the swelling will dissipate after a few days. Endodontic treatment is always preferable to having your tooth pulled because you’ll be able to save your tooth and keep your natural smile.
The Nerve of the Tooth is Exposed
There are many reasons for endodontic treatment. One of the most common reasons is when the nerve of the tooth is exposed. Nerve exposure can occur for a number of reasons. You may have suffered from tooth trauma that has damaged the tooth to a point that exposes the nerve. Endodontic treatment will treat the affected area and ensure that you don’t experience anymore tooth pain. To achieve the result, your endodontist will likely clean out the nerve of the tooth, but don’t worry – the tooth will still be completely functional, it just won’t feel hot or cold.
Severe Tooth Decay
Another sign that you need to get endodontic treatment is if your tooth is suffering from severe tooth decay. Tooth decay can be detected from tooth pain, an odor in the mouth, and an unpleasant taste. The tooth decay usually is at the top of the tooth. Sometimes though, the decay can extend to the roots and leads to an abscess in the lower area. Either way, your endodontist will clear away the decay and implement a root canal procedure to save your tooth.
Pain from Pressure
Lastly, you’ll also notice that you need to get a root canal if you suffer from pain when there is pressure on your tooth. This pain can be caused by chewing or simply pressing your teeth together. When your endodontist conducts a root canal, you should feel a slight sensitivity right afterwards, but nothing close to the pain that you had due to the pressure. By understanding when you need a root canal, you can get the right treatment necessary to protect your dental health and to save your teeth.