Dr. Citron, In all the years I've been coming to you I don't think I've ever properly thanked you. Each time I arrive in your office I am usually in pain and each time you use your talents to remove that pain and make my life pleasant again. Thank you for all those times. That you do this without hurting me in any way makes me even more grateful!
When my regular dentist referred me to Dr. Citron I was in the most debilitating pain that I have ever experienced. The left side of my face was numb with pain, my throat was swollen, I was having problems swallowing, and could barely open my mouth. My regular dentist had started me on clindamycin which Dr. Citron told me to continue taking. Then he took a culture from my tooth and said that it would take a couple of days to test. He did as much as he could, considering that I could barely get my mouth open, but eased the pain that I was in. After two days of very little results from the clindamycin, I was still very swollen and couldn't open my mouth wide enough for him to do too much work in. With the results from the culture, Dr. Citron put me on another antibiotic; which started working almost immediately. Today, we finished my root canal and I am going to celebrate with a big steak tonight. All through the process, Dr. Citron and his staff took the time to explain to me what was happening and what they were doing. I can't tell you how much I appreciated that. Thanks to Dr. Citron and his staff for getting me in immediately and working to end my pain and get me back on track. I am very grateful!
I have been a patient of Dr. Citron's for over 15 years, and have had several root canals done by him. They all have been done painlessly and healed in a short period of time. I highly recommend Dr. Citron as the endodontist of choice in the Northern Virginia area!